2008年12月31日 星期三

明年第一季Android Market將正式開放付費性商品


Additionally, I would like to confirm that Android Market will support priced applications starting early Q1 2009, as we'd originally stated last fall. Given the country-by-country work required to set up payment support for developers in different countries, we will enable priced app support in Q1 for developers operating in these countries in the following order: (1) United States and UK; (2) Germany, Austria and Netherlands; (3) France, Italy and Spain. By the end of Q1 2009, we will announce support for developers operating in additional countries. Developers operating in the above listed countries should begin finalizing their priced applications, including determining the appropriate pricing strategy.

從明年第一季開始Android Market會開始實施去年秋天就原本要執行的付費軟體計畫, 由於國家間交易需要支援設定付款方式, 我們將先開放以下國家(1) United States and UK; (2) Germany, Austria and Netherlands; (3)France, Italy and Spain, 等到第一季尾聲則會再宣布開放更多的國家加入。

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Sam~★

    HaPpY NeW YeAr

     ★☆★  ★☆★  ★☆★  ★☆★
    ★ 新 ★★ 年 ★★ 快 ★★ 樂 ★
     ★☆★  ★☆★  ★☆★  ★☆★
